Monday, September 22, 2008

Not Me Monday

One of my favorite blog authors, MckMama, has decided to host a weekly blog fest called Not Me Monday. Follow along, and check out her blog to figure out how to play!______________________________________________________________

* I did not let Jack chew on a book on the plane (I'm trying to teach him to take care of books) just because he was happy. Why would I do that and risk being inconsistent?

* I definitely was not secretly glad that Jack pitched a full-out fit on the plane to annoy the extremely rude woman we were sitting next to. Not me! That would be awful!

* I did not skip nursing Jack on the plane so as not to further offend said woman (as if simply having a child on a plane isn't offensive enough!), opting instead for the sippy cup. Consequently, this morning I did not wake up with a plugged milk duct and feeling really icky.

* I have not been using disposable diapers all day today, simply because I'm too lazy to fold and stuff the clean cloth dipes in the laundry hamper.

* I did not stay up really late last night catching up on blogs that I couldn't read over the weekend because we had no internet. While Jack was sleeping? That would just be dumb!

and one future "not me"...

* I certainly will not put off enacting our sleep training plan tonight by justifying that will a clogged milk duct, I need Jack to nurse all night as usual.

Ok, seriously, I'm working really hard today to unclog that duct with lots of nursing and pumping so that I can start the sleep plan tonight, and so I can't use that as an excuse. I'm ready for Jack to be sleeping, just not looking forward to the process.


Danielle in MO said...

Hickory NC - my sister lived in High Point..... way to get that lady back on the plane - sometimes it feels better to stoop to their levels... bummer!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

Good for you for nursing anyway! Man, people get on my nerves with that. It's just a boob for crying out loud. lol

amosclarkson said...

I understand your sleep issues with Jack. I really believe we just have strong willed babies who are harder to "convince" to do things OUR way...sleep just being one of them :) I think the night Eli sleeps through the night I will have anxiety attacks thinking something is wrong!!! Good luck and hope it works well for you guys!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

Well, I wish I had some wonderful advice to give you, but Gabby nursed all through out the night until I weaned her at 14 1/2 months. I think that some babies that nurse just get used to having it while they sleep. I'm reading The No Cry Sleep Solution so that maybe I can avoid the all night nursing sessions for this same length of time with Aron. It has some good suggestions, but I havent' tried any yet. Aron has been cutting teeth like a mad man lately and I want to make sure that he's not trying to comfort nurse before I start a plan. I'm sorry I don't have better advice, but I wanted to let you know that I've been there!

Gitz 'n Jo said...

Hey, Tori... just saw your comment on my blog and wanted to hop over here. I love MckMama's 'Not Me' posts... so funny. And Jack's an absolute doll... I imagine your days are never boring. :)

I just wanted to say thanks so much for the kind words and prayers. My brother also has a form of spondylitis but is about 500% better than me and can tolerate the meds... I hope the same is true for your dad. It always breaks my heart to think of other people suffering.

Anyway, just wanted to say I appreciate it!

sara (gitz)