Monday, January 12, 2009

Not Me! Monday- Target Edition

It's that time again!


This week I did not go to Target three separate times. I did not go again today (new weekly deals, people). I am not a total Target addict.

While I wasn't there a total of four times, if I had been, I wouldn't make a return three of those four times. And then I definitely would not be lured by 90% off clearance and proceed to buy more Christmas gifts for next year.

I did not decide that it would be a good idea to take two one year olds with me to Target on Friday (no really, I didn't... Colton didn't turn one until Saturday! :-).

Colton and Jack did not hold a conversation with each other while in the cart consisting of:

Jack: "No, no, no." (while wagging finger)

Colton: (laughing) "No, no, no." ... and so on...

And is custom while the three of us are out, a total of seven people did not comment something along the lines of, "Awww. Look at the twins!"

While I wasn't there with two babies,  I definitely didn't regret the three cups of coffee I'd had that morning. I didn't decide that waiting to use the restroom until we got home was not an option. I also didn't consider asking the cashier to watch the babies for just a sec.

I most certainly did not, for lack of a better plan, wheel the whole cart into the Target bathroom and into the biggest disabled stall I could find. The boys didn't continue to "talk" while I used the bathroom.

The 16 year old in the bathroom did not look at me like I was crazy, nor did she roll her eyes. And I didn't hear her muttering under her breath something about never having kids.

I will not be going back to Target with two small children after drinking so much coffee. At least, not until next time...


Head on over to MckMama's blog to participate!


TuTu's Bliss said...

We have no Target on Oahu! GASP! But soon, very soon Target is coming to paradise. Is it even paradise without Target?

Wayne said...

Great not me monday I thought it was a very intresting read, keep em coming

Deborah said...

My favorite store! I'm doing so well, I've only been there once this week. Oh wait, it's only Monday! The ONLY way to use the restroom with small children is to wheel the basket into the huge stall. Don't worry, the 16 yr old will get it back in spades someday. Fun read!

Jane Anne said...

This is such a classic post! By classic I mean - this is real mom stuff. I love it! I could see this being me... except that I haven't braved Target with my kids in quite some time. Kudos for you for being so motivated! The clerk's comment made me think of something someone said to me today... A guy told me in the parking lot, "Wow, you have your hands full! You should stop at 3."
I have 4 kids. My other one was at school!!!

Anjanette said...

Awesome! haha! I read MckMama too - and I adore Not Me Mondays! I so do the bathroom thing at least once a month at HyVee. I get into the refrigerated section and bam! it hits me. lol. I can have Aidan stand with me in the stall now thank goodness, but last time he dropped to the floor and started crawling out from under it. Surprise! :)