Monday, October 5, 2009

Rockin' Babes and Lost Keys

When I got the boys dressed this morning, I realized that Charlie's rockin' monster outfit would coordinate well with this (too big!) sweatshirt with rock instruments I bought Jack at the end of last winter. Almost all of Jack's fall/ winter clothes are too big right now because I bought them all on clearance at the end of the cold season last year, and had to guess what his size would be. Oh well, maybe he'll be able to wear them next year, too!

Here is how the boys initially felt about me taking their picture in the outfits. :-)


Then I told Jack he could hold Charlie, which he's always asking to do. Um, that didn't go so well.

The recliner offered a much better alternative, with some cutie-pie shots!


The boys were dressed by morning (a rarity around here!) because we were supposed to have a well check for Charlie. I packed up our whole house everything we needed and got ready to go. About five minutes before we needed to leave I realized my keys were missing. Long story short, Allison found them at her house in Kennison's play shopping cart- apparently one of the kids wanted to go grocery shopping last night and decided to take my car! Mike drove us home with his keys so I (obviously) didn't notice they were missing until this morning. Charlie will now be visiting the doctor next week. :-)


amosclarkson said...

Glad you found them! Hope you didn't rummage too much through your house before calling Allison! Love the matching outfits...even if they didn't :) Look forward to seeing you guys tomorrow!

Rachel said...

Oh no! I did laugh a little at that story. :) Those are cute outfits...I love the last recliner picture where they are snuggling...too cute.

Unknown said...

haha you sound like me :) Here's a tip... get a clip and clip them the same place all the time... You will realize if they are missing faster

the holocaust said...

Bahahahahahahaha! Frustrating, I know but the devil made me laugh!