Wednesday, February 20, 2008

A Day in the Life...

When Jack and I woke up this morning and I looked at our digital clock, it said that it was 4 degrees outside. Knowing that if you can count the degrees on one hand, it's too cold to take a 3 month old out and about, we settled in for a day inside! So, here's a peek at our exciting day at home with some pictures to go along (check out the hair sticking up)!

7:15 Wake up to a messy diaper (yay!) and eat

7:45 Tell Daddy goodbye

8:00 Play on the floor under the baby gym

9:00 Short nap in the bouncy seat

9:30 Wake up ready to eat again!

10:00 Kick on the floor with no pants (Jack LOVES being naked)

10:15 Baby and Mommy yoga, pilates, and baby massage DVD

10:45 Practice sitting up tripod position- what a big boy!

11:00 Whoops! The 4th messy diaper of the day requires a change of clothes... then a LOOOONG nap (a rarity) in the bassinet! One sleepy baby, one happy mommy!

1:00 Wake up and practice eating milk with a spoon (gotta get ready for solids soon!)

1:30 Tummy time!

2:00 Playing in the Bounce, Bounce Baby!

2:30 A fussy baby gets to spend time in his crib looking at the mobile

2:45 Bouncing on the exercise ball with Mom

3:00 Another short nap in the bouncy seat

After that, we're headed to Allison and Kenny's for dinner. Don't worry, we'll wrap the baby up tight so he won't freeze. We're supposed to get some snow in the early morning hours into tomorrow. So, (just like I do every Thursday and Friday) I'm hoping for a snow day so I can stay home with my little guy instead of going to school! Hopefully all will be cleared up by the weekend, though, since we're FINALLY having Allison and Colton's shower (delayed from December because of a snowstorm). I'm sure it will all work out!


Anonymous said...

Do you love being a mom or what....sounds like a fun day!!

Anonymous said...

Hey Tori! I found your blog when Allison sent out an email about her family blog. What a beautiful family! Jack is super cute!! Judah was playing near the computer and saw me watching the mobile video. We are expecting a baby in August so he is very into babies. I think we watched the video about 10 times in a row! He kept saying "More!" Then he would wave to the computer and say "Hi Jack." Glad to hear all is well!