Mother's Day has been very special to me, since two May's ago when I was anticipating the arrival of my sweet little boy, who I didn't even know was a boy yet. I can still remember that day so clearly...
That was one of the first times we got Kennison's hair up in a pony. Seriously, how cute? But I digress. Mother's Day, I think, has the tendency to make me feel a little too important, longing to be a little too coddled. I found myself begrudging Jack's tantrums, sighing while walking to the refrigerator to get him another cup of milk, annoyed at another dirty diaper to change. All of the mundane tasks of mommyhood got under my skin, unit I got online, and started thinking about how thankful I am to get to do those mundane things everyday, Mother's Day included.
I thought about a couple I know who struggled with infertility for years before being blessed with a miracle baby who was called Home by Jesus at his birth. And who were sharing this Mother's Day with bittersweet memories of their son while holding their newly adopted daughter across the country.
I thought about my mommy friend whose thought she'd be enjoying the kicks of her baby this Mother's Day, but instead must rest in the knowledge that her baby now lives with his maker.
I thought about my sweet friend who lost her mother while we were in college, and what Mother's Day must feel like to her and her family.
As I rocked Jack before bed on Mother's Day evening, I thanked God for the mundane tasks of motherhood. And I held him a little tighter.
And after waking to the news of sweet Kayleigh's passing yesterday, I felt thankful again. Last night, I rocked Jack into a deep sleep, something I rarely do, and then rocked him some more. I held him tighter still, feeling my second son kicking at his big brother across my lap.
To be a mother... I am ever thankful, ever blessed.
1 comment:
Beautifully written, Tori. Happy Mom's Day (past) to you!
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