Saturday, August 20, 2011

Kansas City Community Garden

One not-too-hot day a couple of weeks ago I dragged my swollen feet and my cute boys to the Kansas City Community Garden’s Beanstalk Garden for Children. We met Allison’s clan and another playgroup family there and it was such a great experience!


My big-boy ham.


The three musketeers in the gourd house. Can you see the gourds hanging down? I’m pretty sure they would have spent the entire time in here if there hadn’t been a school group there waiting their turn!


These two rode in style for much of the morning. Don’t worry, I did eventually let Charlie explore, but chasing an almost 2 year-old around can get a little difficult in a large pregnant state. Smile


Charlie sampling blackberries, which he loved! This garden was so neat because they actually encourage the kids to touch, taste, look, etc. We sampled berries, cantaloupe, yellow watermelon (brilliant, I tell you!), carrots, peppers… and I’m sure other things that I’m forgetting. I should have written this post right after going!


Love this blurry pic of my boy saying something!


Kennison and Jack explored the cotton that had been picked and all the kids played with the wire cotton brush thingies…


Jack thought he might just knit up a sweater for winter. Smile


We’ll definitely go back in early Fall to see the crops that weren’t quite ripe!

1 comment:

Laura said...

*Wire brush thingies = carding brushes. When you brush fiber between them, you are carding the fiber to make it spinnable. Why do I know this? Because I'm learning how to spin!