She also did a lot to calm my fears about his sleep schedule (or lack thereof). I've been journaling his sleep, and even with the night wakings and 4 short naps a day, he is still getting the recommended amount of sleep for a baby his age. So I am less anxious about his sleeping, and realizing that this time I spend up with him at night will be a fleeting memory all too soon- not to say that I wouldn't LOVE a good night's sleep! But, he's healthy, and happy, and that's just about all I can ask for. We're still going to try to put into practice a few sleep tactics that might help, and I'll blog about them later, but for now I feel more at peace.
Jack also got half of his 6 month shots today and was a trooper about it. So, now we're home, I got some motrin in him for his sore little legs, and he's been asleep for an hour and a half! If only he could nap like this all the time!
I pulled some pictures of him from the past 6 months! He's almost too big for the bouncy seat, which will be a sad day!
One Month Old
Six Weeks Old
3 Months Old
5 Months Old
Sleeping as I type, 6 Months Old
Glad you took your shots well! I try, too, to remind myself that the poor sleep will soon be gone, but it's hard when you are in the middle of it. Plus, I worry about Eli's sleep habits not improving and him always having problems, just different ones. Oh well, just have to take one day at a time!
Yea, I think it is time to get rid of the bouncy seat :)3
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