Thursday, April 23, 2009

Hosing It Down

Lately I've noticed the Jack's hair has been getting a little long and crazy. Again. Seriously, the kid's hair grows faster than any other human on the planet!


So before dinner one night I decided to give him a haircut. It wasn't nearly as successful as last time, with Jack not wanting me to come anywhere near his head. But a sucker, Barney, and Daddy holding his head in place a few times, and I was at least able to trim most of it. It's a little crooked in the back, but I'll try to even it up sometime this week when he's in a better mood.

After his haircut I decided to have Mike carry his whole chair, with him in it, to the back porch rather than get hair all over the living room. Mike was already out there grilling, and I needed to give the highchair, the double stroller, and a few other things a good hose down. We stripped Jack's clothes off and he wanted to join in the water fun!

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And for the grand finale... what's outdoor hose fun without a video?


Anonymous said...

I love that Jack is wearing his socks in the photos and video. Were you trying to keep his feet from getting wet?

Andes Adventures said...

Socks and a smile is all you need to have fun, right?! :) Good times!

amosclarkson said...

Too funny! I wouldn't have thought of that but, hey, it works and he enjoyed himself!!