Thursday, August 6, 2009

Zoo... the sequel

For those of you who remember this post, it might shock you to know that I took Jack back to the Kansas City Zoo. This time I was in charge of only him, as Allison came along with her kids, and although it wasn't the smoothest trip ever (Jack has had several rough "attitude" days this week) it was MUCH more successful. Thankfully, we stayed AWAY from Africa. And I remembered to get a map...


Callie and Jodi feeding the deer

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Kennison, Jack, and Jodi sitting on a rock


Jack's first carousel ride! He was so excited to ride the "eh-fant!"

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I cannot believe I'm posting this picture of myself on the internet... yes, my stomach is huge.


Callie and her mommy, looking infinitely cuter with her baby belly!

1 comment:

IncogKnito said...

You look fabulous! I love your baby belly.