Jack is 24 months old.
Tot School this week was all about puzzles, beads and blocks.
I took some of Jack's birthday cards, as well as a magazine picture, modge podged them onto some cardboard, and cut them into 2-3 piece puzzles.
Jack did a pretty good job, and really enjoyed "making the pictures."
I got Jack a set of lacing beads from the $1 spot at Target. He found all kinds of activities to do with them. We laced them...
sorted them by shape,
sorted by color, and stacked them.
Jack also had a lot of fun playing with this wooden puzzle he got for his birthday. I tried to show him how different shapes can fit together to make squares, but he was totally uninterested! :-) He did enjoy building sailboats...
... and rocket ships, too!
We also tried a matching activity that I made, but I think it was a bit too old for him. We'll put it out again soon to try again!
Great ideas! Good thing one of Jack's presents is puzzles. I'll bring them on Thursday.
LOVE the card puzzle idea! Too bad I don't think of these ideas and pretty much throw our cards away...maybe Christmas?? Like the picture matching game, too....you don't sleep, do you! Mommy to 2, blogger, cook, baker, crafter, seamstress, and tot school preparer (& more I probably don't know about)! Geesh!
What a great idea for old cards!!!!
Will you be my mommy? You are fun and creative...now where could you have gotten that from...hmmm? My kids were puzzle freaks! They especially enjoyed working puzzles at my feet while I nursed whatever baby there was at the time.
I really need to change this holocaust thing.
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